Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tasty Recipe Corner

Insalta Caprese

A perfect light meal for those warm and bright summer days (oh how I miss you)

2 kumatos
1/2 cup of vegan tofu ricotta cheese
4 basil leaves
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons agave

Make the balsamic syrup by adding the vinegar and the agave in a small pot. Turn the heat on medium and cook it till it becomes like a syrup (5 minutes).

While the syrup is cooking cut kumato into chunky slices. Plate one slice on a dish add spoon of ricotta cheese and a basil leaf. Repeat process starting and ending with kumato. Drizzle with syrup.

Dreaming of Summer

Ingredient of the Week: Kumato

I was feeling the winter blues this week so I wanted to recreate some summer taste and smells. I spot it the Kumato and envisioned a caprese salad. Forgive the none seasonal and local purchase.

Kumato was created in Spain and has the name Olmeca. It is a greenish, brown and red tomato that has a higher sugar content that a regular tomato. They are considered gourmet.